Town of Halfmoon
Comprehensive Plan Update

What is a Comprehensive Plan?
A Comprehensive Plan is both a vision for the future and a blueprint for how to get there. A Comprehensive Plan creates a future framework for a range of topics such as land use, economic development, infrastructure, and housing. The Comprehensive Plan will identify a vision for the future and outline a series of recommendations and steps to implement the vision.
Why Have a Plan?
Communities develop comprehensive plans to plan for population changes, economic growth, transportation, education, environmental protection, recreation, infrastructure, residential and commercial growth and more.
Who is Facilitating the Process?
The planning process is being led by a Comprehensive Plan Update Committee with a broad range of Town representatives and facilitated by Town staff and a consultant team lead by MJ Engineering and Land Surveying.
The planning process will be a consensus-driven effort and includes public engagement to gather input about the future of Halfmoon from residents, business owners, property owners, and other stakeholders in the community. Your participation in this process is vital!
Comprehensive Plan Update Committee Members
Chair: Richard M. Harris, AICP
Jeremy Connors
Paul Hotaling
Steven Kucskar
Joseph Landy
Michael D. Morand
Lyn Murphy
J. Daniel Wojcik
William Herman
Peter Bardunias
Nancy Morris
Deborah Curto
Donald Roberts